Let Animals Lead Animal Reiki

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a hands on & off therapy for people, yet the approach for animals is a hands off therapy when using the ‘Let Animals Lead’ method.  During treatment for people, a person will lie down or sit in a chair in comfortable clothing.  They will experience a mostly hands on  therapy and feel the energetic flow between client and practitioner which assists the person to heal themselves.  Using the 5 aspects of holistic healing, reiki will treat your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic states.  

We are programmed from a young age to be busy.  We go from school with tons of homework and after school clubs.  When we are adults we have jobs to do, housework to contend with, family and friends to see.  And now what feels like 24/7, we are always plugged in checking messages, social media posts and emails.  Whilst none of these individually are bad, some of us face the good old ‘fomo’ (fear of missing out) and collectively all these things together can build up a lot of stress within us. However, what we are missing is being in our natural ‘healthy’ state.  We don’t connect as energetic beings when in fact this is exactly what we are.  Animals on the other hand, are connected to their energy and not just their own but your energy too.  How many times has an animal come up to you and brought you joy or comfort exactly when you needed it?

Therefore, animal reiki should not be conducted the same as it is for people.  Using the ‘Let Animals Lead’ method of animal reiki, created by Kathleen Prasad, means each animal is able to make their own choice whether to receive reiki or not.  Animals are sentient beings so why wouldn’t we want them to have their own say.  Due to animals sensitive and connected nature, we do not force our hands on animals, letting the animals take the lead is a more respectful and compassionate way of providing assistance to their own healing.


The ‘Let Animals Lead’ methodology allows the freedom for the animal to come and go as they please during a session.  Should an animal come up to the practitioner, and understanding the animal’s body language, a gentle hands on may then be initiated, but it is not needed.  If you think the same healing benefits can’t be as effective with not placing your hands on an animal then, with the upmost respect, you’re wrong.  I have personally seen for years how animal reiki helps heal without hands on.  When providing animal reiki using the Let Animals Lead method, responses and acceptance can be seen by the animal.  The energetic flow is the same between practitioner and client/animal no matter how far apart they are.  It’s a privilege and honour to help heal animals without adding any stress to them or disrespecting their wishes with placing hands on.  Letting the animal take charge whilst we support their needs is the best way of offering healing.

When you train in the ‘Let Animals Lead’ way of animal reiki, you not only find the trust within yourself but you see the appreciation an animal has that you have recognised them for the individual they are, for respecting them and for helping them heal, their way. 

If interested in learning more, introductory classes, courses and workshops are detailed at https://animalreikicare.com/arcacademy