Meet sam
Samantha Roe - Animal Reiki Master/Teacher & Practitioner, Animal Reiki Care
I’ve always been an animal lover and support a number of animal foundations worldwide. I started a career in social care but that somehow led to over 20 years working in a customer service/corporate environment. Having built a business for someone else gave me a lot of pleasure and provided me with extensive experience. I was involved in leading its growth through effective operations, empowering people with training and coaching, providing outstanding customer service and building branches across the UK. Its been an adventure but change has been a long time coming. I needed to expand my horizon and it started with one question…
I was asked if I was a healer. I first said no, then I actually stopped to think about this and realised I was, and this was before I even knew about reiki. Having dealt with a lot of family health matters, (animal and human) over the last 20 years I realised actions I had taken were a form of healing, especially for Lilly, my eldest cat who was born in 2002.
Lilly was involved in a road traffic accident and broke her pelvis in 3 places. After X-rays and knowing the extent of her injuries, the stand-in vet’s first comment was to put her to sleep. Having already had a dog, who was my first animal teacher but that’s another story, I knew there had to be another option. I asked what else can be done?
The vet explained the care needed. So Lilly had 6 weeks in a crate, with me turning her daily, giving her medication and the most important part was me sat with her every day letting her know she was safe, loved and would be walking and running again soon. And yes, for 16 years of her life, she continued to walk, run and jump like it never even happened!
That one question gave me the start to grow in another direction. It also gave me insight to how I could work with animals. I have studied the Japanese system of Reiki. I have had the honour of studying with two teachers, so far, Lindsey Hadfield in the UK and Kathleen Prasad from the USA.
I completed my Level/Degree 1 and 2 (Shoden & Okuden) in the Usui reiki system of Natural Healing (the Usui Shiki Ryoho) with Lindsey. Knowing my love and light for animals, it was Lindsey who lent me a book on animal reiki, written by Kathleen, which led me to learn even more.
Amongst other reiki courses, I completed my Level/Degree 3 (Shinpiden) and Teacher Training with Kathleen in the Usui Reiki Ryoho. Kathleen is world renowned for her work in the field of Animal Reiki. She founded Animal Reiki Source® which is a teaching society with a wealth of information and courses. She has also developed the Let Animals Lead® method which is so effective whilst respecting each animal.
I am a member of The Confederation of Healing Organisations in the UK. I am also a member of SARA, the Shelter Animal Reiki Association, co-founded by Kathleen Prasad and Leah D’Ambrosio. This is a non profit organisation whose mission is to educate animal rescue professionals and volunteers for the well-being of animals. SARA educates across the world about the healing benefits of Reiki for rescued animals and their caregivers. It is with their leadership, encouragement, knowledge and high ethical standards, that I have been able to develop my own practice and to teach and support others.
I have worked with all types of animals in family households, animal sanctuaries, foundations and rescue centres across the UK and worldwide. I attend regular reiki shares and healing circles where all teacher & practitioners continue to learn from each other, whilst respecting the confidentiality and privacy of clients. Reiki has enhanced my life. I can assist and support you in your care for your animals in a gentle and powerful practice.
“To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being”