Features Overview


Newsletter November 2020

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Newsletter October 2020

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Newsletter July 2020

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Newsletter June 2020

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Newsletter May 2020

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Newsletter April 2020

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Soul & Spirit Magazine - April 2020

Thank you so much to Soul & Spirit magazine for the feature on Reiki & Animal Reiki. When I approached the magazine to see if they would be interested in Animal Reiki, they were totally awesome and open and put together a large 4 page article about reiki. I hoped to be able to educate the pubic on the benefits of animal reiki for ourselves & animals, to explain the difference between human reiki to animal reiki and all using the Let Animals Lead® method created by Kathleen Prasad. I was really happy to see a number of Practitioners included in the article to give a wide overview of our amazing healing work. The article may not feature everything I wanted but it is an excellent read and includes how reiki has helped my own health issues when I first started to learn reiki. There is time to buy a digital copy of the April’s issue which also includes ideas, inspiration and empowerment which can be useful during these challenging times, click learn more to take you straight to


Newsletter March 2020

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This Dogs Life - Why some shelters are turning to reiki to relax dogs - Feb 2020

A fantastic article on my mentor Kathleen Prasad explaining how animal reiki can assist animals in a shelter environment, featuring a little about myself and my adopted senior dog, Chunkie Monkie. To read the full article, click learn more…


Pawprint Magazine - Issue no.7 2019

St Giles Animal Rescue centre produce a wonderful magazine to keep us all updated and involved with the amazing work they do and their supporters. I was fortunate enough to be featured within their magazine about a scared and anxious cat named Cart who I supported with animal reiki during his stay waiting for a forever home. He came into the rescue centre petrified and stayed at the back of his enclosure and wouldn't move. My first reiki session saw him enter into a relaxed state whilst I was sat furthest away I could. Upon our second session I sat away from Cart and as I started the session, Cart jumped down and came up to me so I could stroke him. He had grown in strength & confidence in only 2 sessions of animal reiki. I was delighted to hear he was adopted shortly afterwards. Animal reiki helped him build trust and to be able to shine and show his personality in order for his new human caregivers/parents to offer him a forever home. Click learn more to take you to St Giles Rescue Centre.