Arc academY
Learning a holistic therapy will change your life and those around you, for all animals including humans. Details of classes, courses and workshops further below.
“Animals are not only spiritual teachers but also healers in their own right. I am honoured to share my life with you.”
Reiki Level 1 (Shoden) and Animal Reiki Training - The Basics
This course is for anyone who wishes to start or continue their healing path. No previous experience is needed. Most reiki classes/courses focus on reiki for people however, with this course you will be able to extend your skills in your connection with animals, your own and others. Whatever your reason to study reiki, be it to explore healing for yourself, a desire to share healing with your own animal or to help your family and friends and their animals, this course will provide the skills you need.
You will learn:
The Japanese system of Reiki.
The Reiki Precepts.
Reiki meditations.
Begin the practice of self-healing.
Experience hands-on treatments.
How to share reiki energy with family, friends and animals.
The difference between human reiki and animal reiki.
How to incorporate animals into your sessions.
Guiding principles of Animal Reiki.
You will take away:
An in-depth professional manual to guide you on your path (123 pages).
A beautiful certificate to show your professional training.
A journal to document your future practice.
Knowledge and confidence to start sharing reiki with yourself, family and friends.
A coach, to whom you can ask any questions or advice, to assist you on your continued journey.
An invitation to join SARA (Shelter Animal Reiki Association).
Classes are offered on a one to one basis or up to four students. Courses can be tailored to either be over two consecutive days or split into one day classes over a 7-day period.
Fees for this 2-day course are: £300 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary staff: £100 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary volunteers: £150 per person.
Reiki Level 2 (Okuden) and Animal Reiki Training – Advanced Techniques
Essential requirement: You must be already certificated in Reiki 1 in any lineage.
This course will deepen your spiritual connection and build upon your skills from Reiki level 1. You will learn the first three symbols of Reiki and mantras. You will understand their meaning and how to apply them in your practice. You will also learn ‘distant healing’ and how to connect, no matter what distance and time, with Reiki energy. Completion of this course will provide you with the skills to take your practice professionally if this is something you wish to follow.
You will learn:
The Japanese teachings on the first 3 Reiki symbols and mantras.
Techniques for grounding, expansion and connection to help you become an animal magnet to even the most sensitive animals!
Ethics of Animal Reiki.
Distant healing techniques.
How to become a professional practitioner.
You will take away:
An in-depth professional manual to guide you on your path (151 pages).
Kathleen Prasad’s book ‘Healing Virtues’ Animal Code of Ethics.
A beautiful certificate to show your professional training.
A journal to document your future practice.
A coach, to whom you can ask any questions or advice, to assist you on your continued journey.
An invitation to join SARA (Shelter Animal Reiki Association).
Classes are offered on a one to one basis or up to four students. Courses can be tailored to either be over two consecutive days or split into one day classes over a 7-day period.
Fees for this 2-day course are: £300 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary staff: £100 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary volunteers: £150 per person.
Reiki Level 3 (Shinpiden) and Animal Reiki Teacher Training
Essential requirement: You must be already certificated in Reiki 1 & 2 in any lineage and have acquired training in the Let Animals Lead® method.
This course will extend your practice to becoming a Shinpiden level 3 practitioner for your continued personal path with animals and open up a new beginning for your professional expansion. You will learn the fourth symbol of Reiki and mantra. You will understand how to apply the Japanese techniques all together and establish a new found confidence in your practice.
You will learn:
The Japanese teachings on the fourth Reiki symbols and mantra.
Revision of the reiki techniques for Levels 1 & 2.
The Reiki Master Initiaion/Reiju, including instructions for performing the ritual for students
Code of Ethics of Animal Reiki.
Importance to your work as an Animal Reiki Practitioner/Teacher
You will take away:
An in-depth professional manual for continued guidance on your path (116 pages).
Kathleen Prasad’s book ‘Healing Virtues’ Animal Code of Ethics.
A beautiful certificate to show your professional training.
A journal to document your future practice.
A coach, to whom you can ask any questions or advice, to assist you on your continued journey.
An invitation to join SARA (Shelter Animal Reiki Association).
Classes are offered on a one to one basis or up to four students. Courses can be tailored to either be over two consecutive days or split into one day classes over a 7-day period.
Fees for this 2-day course are: £400 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary staff: £150 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary volunteers: £200 per person.
Introduction to Animal Reiki - Let Animals Lead
No essential requirement or experience required. This is for all animal lovers and caregivers.
This introductory course is the perfect way to gently step into how you can bring more awareness to how your mind and energy extends out to the animals in your life. This course will provide techniques to how you can have more peace and balance in your life and to those animals around you.
You will learn:
The definition and philosophy of Reiki.
The benefits of Animal Reiki for you and your animals.
Meditation practice to share with animals.
How to recognise an animal is accepting reiki.
One practice to change your life forever.
You will take away:
A 32 page booklet to keep for your continued practice.
Confidence to share reiki with yourself and animals.
A coach, to whom you can ask any questions or advice, to assist you on your continued journey.
This class is one hour. Classes are offered on a one to one basis or can be taken in group sessions.
Fees for this one hour course are: £50 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary staff: £15 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary volunteers: £25 per person.
Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA) 5 Power Meditations Course
No essential requirement or experience required. This is for all animal lovers and caregivers.
This course is designed for you to harness the healing power of meditation to help you and your animals. Created by Kathleen Prasad, President of SARA.
You will learn:
5 transformational meditations to use to shift situations.
How to strengthen your ability to connect within.
How to support your health & well-being.
You will take away:
A copy of the book ‘5 Powerful Meditations to Help Heal Your Animals’.
Confidence to share reiki with yourself and animals and how to shift even the most stressful situation.
A coach, to whom you can ask any questions or advice, to assist you on your continued journey.
This class can be completed in one day or in a consecutive 5 weeks for one hour to one and a half hour sessions. Classes are offered on a one to one basis or can be taken in a group.
Fees for this 1-day course are: £100 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary staff: £25 per person.
Animal Shelter/Rescue Centre & Sanctuary volunteers: £50 per person.
Arc Workshops
Workshops become available throughout each year. This is a chance for you to experience animal reiki in a sanctuary, shelter/rescue centre or animal foundation setting, whilst you learn and develop your skills with a holistic therapy.
Not only will you be helping animals during these workshops but our way of giving back is Animal Reiki Care will donate a large percentage of costs from the workshop to the hosting facility.
Look out in the events section for up and coming workshops.