Animal Reiki can help you foster an animal
Tango my first foster dog. An older girl with bags of energy,
Do you like the idea of fostering an animal but feel you can’t as you would become too attached to an animal in your care? I thought the same thing many years ago, until I learnt Reiki and Animal Reiki.
The foundation of Reiki comes from our precepts. One precept in particular, ‘be humble’ is one I hold dear in my heart. Not just for animals I have shared my life with, but my gratitude towards being able to help animals live their life in a home, rather than at a shelter/rescue centre, until they find their forever home.
Animal Reiki helps you see with your heart and not to pity the animal’s previous circumstances. I have seen the benefits of reiki in a shelter/rescue environment so having an animal live with me means I am able to share Animal Reiki more often when in my care.
When sharing Animal Reiki, you can see the deep relaxation it brings to the animal. This may be the first time the animal has felt such energy. It is such a privilege to be able to assist their own healing to release any emotional, physical, mental or spiritual trauma they may have faced or maybe holding on too.
Animal Reiki assists an animal’s development and eases moving from one environment to another. I get to see the changes in behaviour, how they grow in confidence each day and see the joy on their face as they become more relaxed at home and playing in the garden. They become part of my family and know they are safe and accepted.
So when the time comes and our foster finds their forever home, yes I have a few tears. The tears are because of course I am going to miss them and their wonderful personality in my home but this feeling is very short lived and never painful. I am quickly overjoyed for the animal sharing part of their life with me and knowing they are going to a loving home to spend the rest of their life, is the ultimate feeling. I am humbled for knowing and being able to care for them until this is no longer needed.
We should never be afraid to acknowledge our feelings. All us animal parents/caregivers know our pets/animals have shorter lives than us, yet this doesn’t stop us wanting to share our lives with them, knowing we endure heartache when the time comes when they transition into spirit. I continue to channel the same gratitude as well for when a foster flies from our nest.
There are many different ways to foster such as day release, weekend release or full time care. Shelter/rescue centres may also provide food and veterinary care so you wouldn’t have to cover the cost either. In all foster situations you would need to check details with each rescue centre direct.
If you are interested in learning Animal Reiki to help you become a foster parent there are a range of courses available with Animal Reiki Care, check the Academy section to take a peek.
Here are a few more foster pics…. Many blessings
Tango enjoying the outside.
Chunkie Monkie, our senior boy, loves reiki! He was a foster fail, we fell in love within 3 days and became his forever home. He is also an amazing teacher for our foster dogs.
Star, always with a sparkle in her eyes.
Sprout, our current foster babe still waiting for her forever home.