Connection with your Pet
You are more connected to your animals than you know…
My partner and I rescued our ‘Lilly’, with her brother ‘Tiger’, from a farmer who was looking to ‘dispose’ of kittens from his farm. We went with the mindset to rescue 1 kitten but of course fell in love so we rescued 2. Lilly was the more independent of our 2 cats, her brother would lie in my arms, just like a baby, whilst I walked around. Lilly was quite happy coming and going as she pleased. They loved each other dearly as they groomed and cuddled each night. When my partner used to work shifts and would leave early in the morning, they would then both get on the bed with me for cuddles too.
Lilly hugging Tiger
Tiger wasn’t with us for long as just after his 1st birthday he was involved in a road traffic accident and was killed. Lilly continued to live life on her own and I knew their bond would last eternity, with Tiger at her side.
My connection with Lilly grew deeper after she was involved in a road traffic accident at the young age of 3 or 4. Our relationship expanded as Lilly had to have 6 weeks in a crate whilst I took care of her.
After her recovery, Lilly started to sit on my lap more and sleep with us in our bed. I started sharing conversations with her. She would wait for me to return home from work, sat far up the drive and we would walk back together to our cottage whilst talking to each other. I would ask about her day and she would continuously meow right back at me. I could call her name for her to return to me, like you would encourage a dog, and she would come running. It was easy to see we had a close bond. And yes I am a mad cat lady but actually I am a mad animal lady.
As Lilly grew older my partner was worried how I would handle her passing so after many years on her own we then introduced a little sister, ‘Miesha’ into our family. They tolerated each other in the beginning and after a little time, they had a loving relationship. Lilly would try to groom Miesha too, but I think Miesha had forgotten this motherly loving behaviour, so when it got to being too much, they would play up to each other and then just both lie near each other acting like nothing had just happened.
Miesha having a nap
We all share close bonds with our furry/feathered/scaly animal family members. Any one who has ever had an animal in their life will know it is not uncommon for our animals to pick up on our energy, just like when we are stressed or upset, they just seem to know. Animals are so much more sensitive to their surroundings but have you ever made the connection to the sharing of medical conditions within your household?
Within our family home, Lilly shared the same digestive orders as me and our Miesha has the same heart condition (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) as my partner. We used to think it was just our weird little family and brushed this off as a pure coincidence. However, the more I learn and develop my work with reiki and animal communication, there are a lot of stories where families share the same health conditions between humans and their animals.
When I think back to when I was going through some medical issues I cannot remember now if Lilly was ill first or if this was me. With regards to our Miesha, we asked if the vet would pay particular attention to her heart on her annual check up. I had noticed when we were playing how she would stop and lie down to take a breath. Knowing how my partner used to feel when he was young before his diagnosis, something made me think could this be something similar. And yes, not only did she have a heart problem but it turned out to be the same condition as my partner.
Miesha and Lilly watching the birds outside
I don’t want anyone to panic it’s not like ‘oh no I have x so now my fur baby is going to get this’. You are not going to cause your animal to become ill. There are a lot of people who have never shared the same health conditions with their animals and never will. It’s just sometimes the universe’s wonderful way to show us all the various connections we can share, with people or with our animals.
It certainly helps me understand our animal’s problems that little bit more and my partner and I are able to cope better when our animals are feeling poorly. Perhaps next time you feel are a little unwell, you could always check in with your animal member, it might be their way of letting you know something may be a little off with them too. Animals are our teachers in many ways and love us unconditionally. We may take care of them but they sure take care of us too.
Sisters forever